Stockings Seen 1468 times - Favourite: 17

Model: Lera

Release date: 2012-05-15
Photo selected by the administrators: yes

Copyright © Anastasiy Mikhaylov (Russian federation), All rights reserved.
This photograph cannot be used without the written consent of its author.


 Maciej Bogaczyk (may 16, 2012)



 Alexei Stein (august 17, 2012)

beautiful! Light, posing...


 Paola Ortolani (september 03, 2012)

Beautiful light..i really like the exposure!


 Hecht Robert (november 01, 2022)

delicious silhouette - excellent!


 Ric Albeck (july 03, 2012)

How beautiful this is. Youth!! I want to see her in those shoes!! the back light and fill is perfect.


 Xavi Cardell (november 07, 2012)

Terrific composition Anastasiy. My compliments!

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Anastasiy Mikhaylov (Russian federation)
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